Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Let's hear it for the troops

OK, normally the troops under discussion here are the Packers troops. But in this case, I want to salute some Wisconsin troops who are -- what else? -- Packers fans. In this case, they've taken that love of the Pack, and Brett Favre, to another level. How so? Ink, baby. Tats. As in tattoos. Now, Marines and tattoos are something that have gone together since leave was invented. For some of the men of the Milwaukee-based Fox Company, 2nd Battalion, 24th Marines, they've not only got the usual Marine symbols adorning their skin, but also Brett Favre's signature. Not via a Sharpie but rather the inkster's needles. So, if you've already purchased every piece of Packers gear or Favre memorabilia you can get your hands on, here's another option: just get permanently tagged. For the whole story, including photos for inspiration, click here.

Still time to get PackerFansUnited gifts for Christmas!

If you're still trying to figure out what to get that Packer fan family member or buddy of yours for Christmas, or perhaps something to annoy any Bearz or ViQueens acquaintances you may have, you can still order from the PackerFansUnited Gift Shop. Just choose Premium or Express shipping and you'll have your gifts in hand in time to amaze or amuse -- or annoy -- as the case may be. Check it out. Click the link above, or the shop banner in the righthand column. Thanks for looking. Thanks for ordering!