Well here's something you don't hear every day, Edgar: Brett Favre taking five minutes or so on a Friday morning to do a live radio interview with a Milwaukee radio station. It happened today. WTMJ620 radio -- which just also happens to be the flagship radio station for Packers broadcasts -- got Brett on for a brief chit chat. They asked some questions listeners had sent in, as well as asked about some rumors. For example, is it true that Brett can pick up a softball with his toes? Not quite. It was 1999, and it was a baseball. "I don't think I can anymore," Brett said. Then added, "We like to be remembered for certain things so I guess mine is being able to pick up things with my toes."
You can read more highlights from the interview here. Or if you'd just prefer to hear it for yourself, you can listen to the podcast here. It's worth the time.
Bottom line is that one of the many reasons Brett has endeared himself to so many fans for so many years is that he's just like the rest of us. Well, not quite. But you know what I mean. He's an average guy off the field. "I take out the trash Tuesday mornings," Brett said. And what about pizza? Squares or triangles? "Doesn't matter, as long as it's good." Now that's our kinda guy!
Frank Caliendo as Madden on Favre
A couple days ago, this same morning radio show had native son (Waukesha, WI) Frank Caliendo on the air. Caliendo has a couple performances coming up soon in Milwaukee so was on for a bit of a plug. Why not? But there was, of course, an opportunity for him to do his spot-on John Madden imitation talking about Brett Favre. There's lots of guys out there who have man-crushes on Brett, but John Madden has to be near the top of the list. Take a listen to this podcast to hear Caliendo-as-Madden take that to a whole other level. It's a classic.